Chronicles Of Tate

Chronicles Of Emory Tate

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“Cowards die a thousand deaths, a brave man only one. Stand against mediocrity. Fight brainwashing.”

Oct. 19, 2011

Emory Tate, described as “a trailblazer for African-American chess”, was an internationally recognized chess player and a master at the game. With appearances at chess circuits starting in the 70s and up until his untimely death in 2015, Emory Tate dedicated his entire life to the royal game of chess. With nearly 80 wins against Grandmasters at chess circuits across the world, Tate was known for being a dangerous tactician who instilled fear into his opponents with his unique style of play.

Tate possessed an unparalleled perspicacity that transcended the chess board. From 2011 to 2013, Tate shared his brilliant observations of life, love of family, and sarcastic yet realist views of society on his Twitter, providing a rare glimpse into the mind of a chess savant. These observations, akin to strategic gems, can be found on this web experience. Each chess piece, when clicked, represents an observation, a chronicle, of Emory Tate. Chronicles Of Tate is dedicated to his legacy on what would have been his 65th birthday. In the digital realm, Tate's legacy lives on, a testament to his enduring influence on both the chessboard and the broader canvas of human thought.

Website Developed by Orhan
Published Dec. 27th, 2023
Design inspired by EndlessLetter. Music




Emory A. Tate Jr.

Friend, Husband, Father, Chess Warrior, "Dennis" Tate.